“Lift in a Box” – Easy Set Up for Pachinko Machines
Autoquip’s scissors lift platform used to mount and lift Pachinko machines for entertaining trade show attendees.
Project Challenge
Our customer who attends trade shows around the world entertains attendees in their booth by setting up Pachinko machines (Japanese casino game similar to U.S. slot machines). Attendees pay to play and the cash donations are given to charitable organizations. It was taking the customer 8 hours for set up to unpack each machine and constructing a base to mount the machines on top of. They wanted a solution that would require less time and reduce labor costs.
Our Solution
Autoquip built a Series 35 scissors lift with platform size 30” wide x 72” long. The customer mounted 9 Pachinko machines on the platform. (6) Machines at an ergonomic height for the general public to play while standing. (3) Machines are designed for handicapped access. The complete entertainment platform “Lift in a Box” can easily be crated and shipped to trade shows around the world.
The Results
The benefit of “Lift in a Box” is the ease of on-site set up. Booth set up time has been reduced to less than an hour, start to finish, where it used to take as many as 8 hours for unpacking and set up. Now, the exhibitor simply removes the top off the shipping crate, plugs the lift into 115V power outlet, raises the lift to the top of the shipping crate at 36″, and drapes a black curtain around the entire crate. They are off to the races!