Aerospace Work Platform with Mechanical Shuttle Deck
Triple long work platform with mechanical shuttle deck for reaching tail sections of air crafts.
Project Challenge
Our customer MAG IAS, a leading tool and systems company that provides manufacturing solutions for aerospace manufacturing, contacted Autoquip with a project that required providing a lift that would allow workers to reach the tail section of an air craft. The lift specifications called for the lift to reach the tail section at high accuracy positioned 60” above the floor, and 30” away from the work station. The lift platform needed to be 25 ft. long with mechanical actuation.
Our Solution
A custom designed triple long work platform was designed and built to meet the project specifications. The work platform is equipped with a touchscreen interface, mechanical shuttle decks with 30” travel, dual rigid chain drives with automated synchronization for stable lifting, and ultrasonic sensors on lead edge for part detection. Model # T1-60-040SCL
AQ Project Ref.#116113 9SPI-20487
The Results
The customized work platform lift was built to specification to satisfy the aerospace manufacturer’s every requirement. The customer will be able to use the lift for better access to visually inspect the aircraft parts with a higher accuracy and make any necessary repairs in less time.