Heavy Duty Car Lift for Two-Level Auto Repair Center
4 post car lift transfers cars to upper level service bays at new two-level repair center.
Project Challenge
A car dealership in the Twin Cities, MN wanted to build on an auto repair center, but the property is pinched for space. The building design is planned for two-levels with 2 service bays at the street level and 6 service bays on the upper level. The architect on the project called for a 2-Level Car Lift to handle a 10,000# load capacity to deliver the vehicles to the upper level for repair and back down for customer pick up.
Our Solution
Autoquip supplied the customer with a 4 Post Mechanical Freight Lift that fit the architectural space requirements. The mechanical lift is rated for heavy duty load capacity to safely transfer vehicles to and from upper level.
The lift was sold in by our key distributor in Minnesota, RMH Systems.
AQ Project#
The Results
Autoquip is a leader in innovative lifting products for all industries with a special focus on car lifts for both residential and commercial use. The techs and operators of the lift are absolutely thrilled with the car lift which helps make the service department run better.