Series 35 with Interlock Gates Transfers Goods for Las Vegas Casino

Series 35 scissor lift provides Las Vegas casino with an economical and safe solution for transferring goods from one level to the next.
Project Challenge
The Golden Nugget Casino in Las Vegas was looking for a better solution for transferring goods through a narrow hallway to a lower-level holding area where they would then use carts to move the goods. They had been manually transferring the goods in small, increment loads from one level to the next; sometimes even forced to take a longer route through the casino to get the job finished.
Our Solution
Working with our dealer Hankin Specialty Elevators who brought us this project, we determined the best solution was to fit the customer with a pit mounted Series 35 scissor lift. The pit was pre-existing and to support the platform at grade level, we built up the base frame of the lift, so once lowered it would be level with the floor which was critical for rolling the carts on and off the lift. We also added swing gates with solenoid interlocks, and a status switch at both the upper and lower level. These safety features will help protect other workers as the lift is in operation, plus protect the goods as they are lowered to the holding area. The lift is easy to operate with mounted push button controls on both upper/lower level, also equipped with an emergency stop button. The lift is rated for capacity of 4,000 pounds and travel to 48 inches.
The Results
Our Series 35 scissor lift provided the customer with an economical and safe solution for transferring goods from one level to the next. Plus, the lift now allows the customer to access the area in a few different load patterns – making the process much smoother and efficient; sparing the workers from taking longer routes to transfer the goods.